
The crew at Howl, in Siem Reap, which brings writers and audiences together. Sales of the Punji Trap will be donated to the Angkor Hospital for Children and its appeal to combat malnutrition.

Reviewed in Magical Cambodia

Long before arriving in Cambodia, I was reading whatever I could find from the journalist Luke Hunt, the Southeast Asian Correspondent and author who has covered so many of the challenging issues and events in the area. Hailing from Australia, Hunt has been frequently living in Cambodia since 2000. He began his Khmer encounters in the early 1990s as a reporter in Saigon following the Khmer Rouge’s kidnapping and murder of three Western backpackers.

Read more.

Khmer Sight Foundation

Thierry De Roland Peel sold many a copy of my book the Punji Trap to raise money for the Khmer Sight Foundation and that’s me handing the money over to Lois Joy Evans recently at The Exchange in Phnom Penh during an exhibition, which we do every third Thursday of the month. Next to her is chief ophthalmologist Dr Mukesh Taneja and Oso Kuma, among others. B&W by Steve Porte and color byJeff Perigois, who had some fantastic shots exhibited.